A Stranger Passing By (2)

Jiang Ming looked at the blurry handwriting under the map fragment. However, he could not see it clearly. 

"I wonder what this picture will look like when it is complete." 

Jiang Ming shook his head and put the map fragment into his storage ring. He let the black sword observe it to see if it could see anything. 

Then, he bid farewell to Li Qianya and the others and prepared to cross the Soul Suppressing River and continue into the depths of the snowy valley. 

"There are some treasures in here that I obtained from the Cangming Grotto-Heaven's camp. There are some odds and ends as well. Consider it a reward for giving me the map fragment." Jiang Ming threw a storage ring to Li Qianya and smiled. 

Li Qianya quickly took it and checked the storage ring. He was stunned and gasped in shock. 

There were priceless treasures inside! How could Jiang Ming just call them odds and ends?