Pieces of Trash

Jiang Ming was wary of Holy Son Gu Chi just in case this guy suddenly had some devious ideas to deal with him. 

However, Holy Son Gu Chi suddenly grinned. 

"Ning Caichen, you may have misunderstood me. The reason why I asked about Zhang Shan's whereabouts is purely because I admire Zhang Shan. That's all." 

Jiang Ming's mouth twitched. 

Only a fool would believe this guy's nonsense. 

Jiang Ming quickly played along and said with a smile, "There's no need to explain, Holy Son. My junior has also said that you're amazing and are destined to be extraordinary. Although he tricked you once, if you're in any trouble in the future, my junior will definitely help… Of course, for the sake of my junior, I, Ning Caichen, am also willing to help." 

Hearing this, Huai Mei was stunned. She did not quite understand what Jiang Ming was thinking. 

Huai Mei kept winking at Jiang Ming, wanting him to stay away from Holy Son Gu Chi.