The Dumbfounded An Daoran

The Dragon Burial Sword had disappeared without a trace! 

An Daoran's face was filled with shock. He looked at Zhu An'an and then at Jiang Ming. 

"Did you see who stole the Dragon Burial Sword just now?" 

Zhu An'an shook her head and retreated to Jiang Ming's side. A strange look flashed across her eyes, and she shook her head to show that she did not know anything. 

At this moment, An Daoran was completely dumbfounded. The Dragon Burial Sword was originally on the platform, but it had disappeared now! How? 

There had to be something wrong with this abnormal situation! 

An Daoran's mind was racing. He wanted to figure out what was going on, but he did not know that Jiang Ming was filled with resentment at this moment. 

"Friend, what are you trying to do? Why did you devour the Dragon Burial Sword?"