Problem Solved

Her eyes were filled with worry and concern when she looked at Jiang Ming. 

"Mister, call me if there's anything." 

Bai Ruoning quietly watched Jiang Ming and Zhu An'an from the side. She was a little wary of Zhu An'an. 

Zhu An'an had to be up to something. 


Jiang Ming understood what Zhu An'an meant and nodded, feeling touched. 

This little girl was quite concerned about him. 

Zhu An'an came out feeling annoyed. 

What kind of look was this Bai Ruoning giving her? What else could she do to Jiang Ming? 

After Zhu An'an left, Bai Ruoning, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said, "I've already sent out a notice to ask people to look for the divine doctor at a high price. There should be news soon." 

Jiang Ming nodded and remembered that Zhu Asi must be bored. He wanted to bring him a few toys and said, "I'm going out for a while. I'll be back later." 
