Yue Ya Is Here

Hearing Murong Kuan's words, everyone retreated. 

At this time, Yue Ya had just stepped through the door. When she saw Murong Kuan, she could not help but look at him with disdain. 

"Why have you decorated your mansion so ostentatiously? Don't you know that this is causing trouble for the Daliang Kingdom?" 

Murong Kuan smiled. "We are both working for the Daliang Kingdom. Why do you care about these minor things? I want to have fun too." 

Yue Ya laughed and then said helplessly, "We still don't have anything in common. I called you over because the second princess invited you." 

"Why is the second princess looking for me? I was appointed by the king." 

Murong Kuan frowned and looked at Yue Ya. Yue Ya's expression was dark and solemn as she said, "King Liang and the second princess are in the same boat now. They are both doing things for the Daliang Kingdom. You are in that boat too."