A Strange Woman

"It's regarding your pet. Your pet tried to attack us. How do we settle this matter?" 

"How could it have attacked you? It has a very pure personality." 

The woman did not believe him at all. She squatted down and touched the python's scales. 

Seeing the woman like this, Zhu Asi could not help but say, "Your little pet only pretends to be weak in front of you. You don't know what it's actually like." 

Zhu An'an also added, "That's right. Don't be fooled by your little pet. It's obvious that it has attacked several people." 

The woman could not help but get angry. She went forward and wanted to teach Zhu An'an and Zhu Asi a lesson! She said unhappily, "What right do you have to accuse my little pet? My little pet has always been obedient. It must be you guys who bullied my little pet when I wasn't around!" 

At this moment, the python hissed in pain, as if it had been hurt badly. There were even tears at the corners of its eyes.