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"How dare you! How dare you attack the people in the royal palace of the Fengyu Kingdom? Do you want to get yourself killed?" 

The person Jiang Ming saw was Xu Yangyang. Xu Yangyang was also flying on a sword. She held a demon-slaying sword in her hand and raised it, intending to cut Jiang Ming in half. 

Jiang Ming saw Xu Yangyang's killing intent and threw out his folding fan. 

The originally intact folding fan instantly broke, but it still countered the attack. 

Xu Yangyang tried her best to slash at him again, but Jiang Ming's folding fan was as hard as a rock. It made her feel uneasy. 

"What the hell is this?" 

At this point, she was sweating profusely. 

She could not understand why it was so easy to break the folding fan earlier. Had she become weaker? 

"Are you from the Fengyu Kingdom?" 

Jiang Ming looked at Xu Yangyang and started interrogating her.