Confrontation With the Demon

The eyeball instantly reached the demon and fused into its forehead. 

After fusing with it, the demon's eyeball malfunctioned. The demon was in even more pain, and blood was already flowing out of its forehead. 

When he threw the eyeball away, Jiang Ming added silver needles to it. 

The demon raised its hand and dug out its third eye, wanting to take out the silver needles. 

However, when the third eye was dug out, Jiang Ming directly controlled the silver needles and sent them into the demon's real eyes. 

It just happened to hit the demon's left eye. The demon was in despair, and the pain swept through his entire body again. 

It shouted and wanted to dig out the eyeball as well. 

Xia Chenjing was shocked. 

He did not expect Ning Caichen to turn this demon into such a mess. He really admired Ning Caichen. 

Jiang Ming looked on indifferently. 

In his opinion, this demon had brought this upon itself.