It Looks Like a Puppet

As the savage's fur reached a certain length, the fur began to move automatically. 

Seeing this phenomenon, Jiang Ming suddenly had a bad feeling. 

The events that unfolded proved that Jiang Ming's premonition was right. 

The fur followed the barrier to Jiang Ming, wanting to blind him. 

Jiang Ming did not stop it. The second the fur was close to his eyes, he yanked all the fur out. 

The savage roared in pain and tried to grab his fur back. 

However, Jiang Ming was faster than him. The savage was instantly skinned, and only his clothes were left. 

The savage felt extremely embarrassed. He immediately raised his hand again. 

He aimed his hand at Jiang Ming, but he did not do anything else. 

Jiang Ming was incredulous. He looked at the savage and did not understand what he was going to do. 

The savage roared loudly, and a drum appeared in front of him. 

The drum was black, and there was a purple halo around it.