
The alley was very dark, and Jiang Ming could not see the scene inside at all. 

He could not help but feel a little suspicious. 

"Can we really enter that field by walking in here? Don't lie to me." 

"We can indeed reach that field," the baby said with tears in his eyes." However, the houses here have collapsed and blocked our view. It's dark here." 

Jiang Ming was about to speak when he saw a sharp light appear in front of him. 

That light was obviously the light of a sword. 

Seeing this, Jiang Ming quickly became vigilant and then fought with the light in the darkness. 

A long sword appeared in his hand, and the sound of the long sword rang out in the air. 

The baby trembled in fear and did not dare to make a sound. 

The pregnant woman also covered the baby's mouth, afraid of disturbing the attacker. 

At this moment, Jiang Ming heard a rough voice.