Chapter 1000

"Master Ning is quite powerful. He brought us to an unfamiliar place when we weren't paying attention." 

Sikong Wuyuan looked around speechlessly. 

He really could not let his guard down in this world. 

Jiang Ming did not reply and looked around for an exit. 

After a while, some tiny things gathered in the surroundings. 

Looking closely, they were all spiders. 

Sikong Wuyuan gulped, his eyes filled with disbelief. 

"How did so many spiders gather here?" 

Jiang Ming narrowed his eyes, raised his hand, and gathered all the spiders together. 

The spiders gathered into a big ball. 

Jiang Ming wrapped them up with a barrier. These spiders were crushed until they oozed yellow liquid. Some of them disappeared on the spot. 

Yuan Hehe exhaled. 

He was most afraid of spiders, and now he had witnessed a spider army being crushed.