Chapter 1069

No matter what, Yuan Hehe would finish what he promised. 

"Ah, just a little further and you'll be at the place where the ceremony will be held. Hold on a little longer. Later, I'll get someone to serve you good wine and food. You'll feel comfortable then." 

Afraid that Jiang Ming and the other two would get angry, the villager quickly changed the topic again, but he also became irritated. 

Why were these three people so difficult to deal with? If it were up to him, he would have kicked them out long ago. 

If it was not for the high priest's sake, he would definitely punish these people if something went wrong after he asked for the high priest's opinion. 

Jiang Ming looked ahead and found that it was a remote wasteland. He could not help but feel strange. 

"Are you sure this is the place? Is there really a ceremony here?"