Chapter 1090

Yuan Hehe clicked his tongue and pretended to laugh. 

"Yang Tiantian, I need to see you suffer." 

Yang Tiantian did not say anything else. She smiled coldly. 

She had not wasted her time earlier. These people were going to be buried with her! 

Yang Tiantian was elated when she thought of that. 

With a raise of her hand, the crack on the ground opened. Jiang Ming and the other two were caught off guard and fell into it. 

Their heads were stuck outside, and they could not move. 

Sensing their nervousness, Yang Tiantian was delighted. 

"If you beg me for mercy, you still have a chance." 

She would not actually help them. She just wanted to tease them. 

This thought made her feel refreshed. Even the pain in her eyes did not feel as bad anymore. 

Although Jiang Ming was flustered for a moment, he calmed down when he heard what Yang Tiantian said.