Chapter 1105

When Sikong Wuyuan and Yuan Hehe found that Jiang Ming was still in the same place, they could not help but be frightened and quickly went forward to pull him away. 

However, they realized that Jiang Ming was gone. 

Immediately after, the behemoth pressed down on them again. 

However, just as he was about to raise his foot, he tripped over something. 

Sikong Wuyuan and Yuan Hehe turned their heads and instantly realized that it was Jiang Ming's handiwork. 

He was pulling on a vine and looking at the behemoth with a relaxed expression. 

This angered the behemoth. He stood up again and reached out to grab Jiang Ming. It was obvious that he wanted to grab him. 

However, Jiang Ming quickly disappeared, which made the behemoth even more exasperated. 

Sikong Wuyuan suddenly thought of something. He turned to look at the burly man and found that his eyes were closed. He was not breathing at all. It was as if he was dead.