Chapter 1111

Jiang Ming saw this clearly, but he did not retreat. Instead, he faced it head-on. 

He took out his folding fan and flapped it. 

Thunderbolts exploded in the air one after another, and the sparks that fell charred the ground. 

The lady boss guessed that Jiang Ming could handle it, but she did not panic and continued to throw thunderbolts. 

While Jiang Ming was dealing with the thunderbolts, she secretly used her invisible clone. 

Sikong Wuyuan and Yuan Hehe saw the clone go behind Jiang Ming and quickly went forward to warn him. 

However, they realized that it was already too late. 

The clone raised her hand and hit Jiang Ming's head, trying to knock him out. 

However, before she could succeed, Jiang Ming grabbed her arm. 

Then, Jiang Ming pressed the acupuncture points of the clone. The clone suddenly stopped moving, and Jiang Ming destroyed her with a punch.