Chapter 1121

Even if the person used a disguise technique, such a situation could not happen. 

He could not help but suspect something. 

Was someone deliberately messing with the three of them? 

Jiang Ming did not say anything. 

His thoughts were similar to Yuan Hehe's. 

Before, the wall was hollow. Everything in front of them might have been an illusion. 

"I'm sorry," he replied. "We'll put you back now and find another wall." 

"But we don't know which walls are empty. Can you tell us?" 

He wanted to know what else was in the wall besides the gold nugget. 

He did not believe that the owner of the voice was the gold nugget. He felt that the owner was probably teasing them on the second floor. 

Sikong Wuyuan found it unbelievable and stared at Jiang Ming. 

He had never heard of any spell that could turn the gold nugget into a human, and he did not believe that the gold nugget was a human.