Chapter 1130

Thinking about this, Sikong Wuyuan could not help but feel a little nervous. 

If anything happened to Jiu Zhu, their plan would be ruined. 

"That won't do. The path here is very complicated. What if the two of you get lost and encounter danger?" 

Zhang Xiaoni was extremely unwilling. He kept shaking his head and had other thoughts in his mind. 

These two people really made him feel that something was wrong. Although some things made sense, this matter was really strange. 

He felt that everything was planned by these two people, but he could not find any evidence. 

"You're not the only servant in your organization. When the time comes, why don't you let the other servants lead the way for us? If anything happens, the three of us can also send signals to each other." 

Yuan Hehe made this suggestion. However, he had the same thoughts as Sikong Wuyuan. 

Only by leaving alone could they meet up.