Chapter 1137

"I think this man died from eating the food at this banquet. I also took a bite just now. I'm afraid I'll die soon." 

The rest of the people started to panic. 

"Exactly. I didn't expect this banquet to be so scary. If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have come to this banquet. It's all the boss's fault." 

"If it weren't for him, I would be fine now." 

At this point, those people were like a united front. They lined up and reprimanded Wang Xiao. 

"Sir, you have to give us an explanation. Now, let alone this man, we might all vomit blood and die." 

"How can you be so ruthless? You actually want to get rid of all of us. You're really cruel." 

"Hurry up and check all of us. If anything goes wrong, you'll have to face the consequences!" 

"That's right!" The others also agreed.