Chapter 1147

The mini pig's body wanted to crash into Sikong Wuyuan and Yuan Hehe, as if it did not want to admit that the woman in front of it was its master. 

Yuan Hehe suddenly understood something and said, "Don't tell me you want to acknowledge Jiang Ming as your master? Come on, this is not something you can decide. After acknowledging a master, it's impossible for you to acknowledge another master." 

He grinned. 

He really did not expect the mini pig to be so greedy. It probably saw that Jiang Ming's spiritual energy was so powerful and wanted to obtain Jiang Ming's spiritual energy. 

He could not let it succeed. In his eyes, this mini pig was a little annoying. 

Jiang Ming shook his head. "Yuan Hehe, don't talk nonsense. It already has a master. Why would it want a new master?" 

In his opinion, this kind of spiritual pet was usually very loyal to its master and would not recognize another master.