Chapter 1164

Jiang Ming saw it and stared at the village chief in front of him. "Chief, we never thought of harming the divine beast. You'd better put away your misconceptions." 

The village chief pursed his lips tightly, not knowing what to say. 

He did have the intention to hurt Jiang Ming and the other two, but he was forced to do so. 

He really could not allow the divine beast to be injured in the slightest. 

As he thought about this, he suddenly realized that the bruises on his body had faded a little. He could not help but feel nervous. Then, he looked at the villagers and said, "You guys go take care of Jiu Zhu. I'll take care of the rest." 

Jiang Ming was stunned for a moment. Then he looked at the village chief and said, "Chief, what are you doing? Is there something urgent?" 

As he spoke, he glanced at Sikong Wuyuan and Yuan Hehe, who immediately understood.