Chapter 1166

At this point, he pulled the village chief and the villagers over. 

Both sides were shocked. Sikong Wuyuan and Yuan Hehe were also dumbfounded. 

The two of them did use a lot of strength, but they did not think they could pull so many villagers over. Therefore, the core reason must be Jiang Ming. 

But how did Jiang Ming do it? 

In the end, they all looked at Jiang Ming. 

However, at this time, Jiang Ming had no time to explain to these two. These villagers had all crashed into the cage. 

With this collision, the cage was automatically opened. 

Jiang Ming and the other two walked out of the cage. 

The village chief began to kowtow and apologize. 

"As expected of the chosen one. We probably won't be able to reach your strength in our lifetime. I beg you, let us go. We're just ordinary people. We don't really want to hurt you. As long as you let us go, we can give you anything."