Chapter 1182

Could it be that the old woman wanted more silver? However, Sikong Wuyuan and Yuan Hehe were present. She could have asked them for silver too. Why did she want to talk alone? 

Could it be that she was embarrassed? Or did she not want those two to know? 

Jiang Ming could not figure it out, so he did not continue thinking about it. He nodded and said, "Of course, I'm free. Madam, just say what you want to say. There's no need to hide anything. After all, your daughter is the only one here." 

He wanted to see what this old woman wanted to say. 

In his opinion, there was nothing to say. 

Tang Xiaoxiao did not want to avoid them. She sat there and wanted to hear what her mother had to say. 

She had already made up her mind. 

If her mother said anything that would cause misunderstandings, she could mediate and try her best to explain some things so that there would be fewer misunderstandings.