Chapter 1219

Although Bai Meimei could not display her culinary skills, she could use other methods to make Jiu Zhu realize how good she was. 

She did not believe that she could not make Jiang Ming like her. 

Xiang Tianqi saw through Bai Meimei's thoughts and shook his head. 

He did not want his wife to be too ostentatious. It would be bad if Jiang Ming and the other two did not like her. 

However, Bai Meimei was persistent. 

She felt that although her husband was good, he was not ambitious. 

If the three of them could stay for a long time, the Zhang Family Organization would definitely benefit. 

Xiang Tianqi sighed secretly. 

He knew that his wife was very ambitious. It seemed that he had also tried to stop her at the critical moment. 

While they were thinking about this, they had already arrived at the secret room with the puppet.