Chapter 1238

The chief had a beard, and his eyes were fierce. He held a string of prayer beads in his hand. 

The prayer beads were very long, and he moved them very quickly. 

His eyes were fixed on Sikong Wuyuan and Yuan Hehe. There was no smile in his eyes, and he seemed to be indifferent. 

Jiang Ming raised his eyebrows. 

He did not know what this village chief was thinking. He really could not see through his thoughts. 

At this moment, the village chief suddenly narrowed his eyes and threw the prayer beads in front of Jiang Ming. 

"It's not good to watch us here, right? Isn't this spying on our privacy?" 

Jiang Ming did not expect that he would actually discover him. After thinking about it, he came out. 

Since he wanted to fight with him, he did not say anything. 

The village chief smiled. 

"Are you Jiang Ming? As expected of the person that Young Miss admires. You look like a talented person."