Chapter 11 Battle Strategy 'Sea of Monsters


Although bosses inside instances are subject to various restrictions, there are also quite a few benefits.

First is the enhancement and adjustment of attributes and skills. The system will adjust the numerical values for the bosses within the instance according to the number and level of players, usually increasing these values. Strictly speaking, the bosses under Morphis's control are not particularly powerful, with the strongest, the Dragon Worship Cult Priest, only possessing the strength of a disaster of the first order, and the weakest ogre mage is merely at the third order of skeletons.

But now, as a 40-person raid boss, their attributes have been maxed out, with their health points increasing several folds alone.

Secondly, becoming a raid boss allows the use of "combat strategies" during the boss fight, gaining additional advantages.

Ordinary bosses get one strategy point, while the final boss has three.

The boss's own abilities combined with the choice of strategy can make the boss fights more random and operable.

At this moment, Morphis began to study the combat strategies for this fight.

The system generates selectable combat strategies based on each boss's identity, experience, and the current environment.

As the final boss, Morphis has more than a dozen combat strategies to choose from.

Combat Strategy 1: Summon Monster Minions.

Summon monster minions to assist in the boss fight.

Currently selectable monster minions.

1: Black Dragonling Legion. Consists of 35-45 black dragonlings, capable of using Dragonling Fireball Skill.

2: Draconic Guard Squad. Made up of eight elite Draconic Guards capable of using Charge, Cleave.

3, Draconic Priest Corps. Consists of four elite Draconic Priests capable of casting Bloodthirst, Healing Spells, Dragon Breath Technique.

4, Black Dragon Skystriker. Comprising four black wyrmlings providing air support, black wyrmlings can spray explosive fireballs from the air to attack the enemy.

Combat Strategy 2: Phase Transformation.

Enter a specific combat form during the boss fight.

1: War Behemoth. In this form, you can only use melee skills and innate Dragon Race talents, armor is increased by 50%, physical damage is increased by 50%, and normal attacks carry a trampling effect.

2: Flame Dragon. In this form, you can only use Dragon Breath for combat, unable to use melee skills or Dragon Language magic, your Dragon Breath power is increased by 50%, and it carries a splash effect.

3: Dragon Swarm Sovereign. In this form, all friendly units around you get a 30% attribute boost, gain terrain skills: Summon Draconic Guard, Summon Black Wyrmling, Summon Black Dragonling Swarm (terrain skills can only be used in the current scene).

Combat Strategy 3: Terrain Manipulation.

Modify the current combat terrain during the boss fight to gain a tactical advantage.

1, Mountain Collapse. Fully charge into the cave's dome, causing rocks to continuously fall from above, dealing 1-999 points of physical damage to enemies in the scene for 30 seconds.

2, Magma Eruption. Slam the ground, activating magma flames hidden underground; intermittently erupting magma pillars from the ground, dealing 500 points of flame damage to hit enemies for 60 seconds.

3, Secret Passageway. Open secret passages leading to other areas of the instance, periodically receiving support from monsters from various areas, lasting 180 seconds.

Combat Strategy 4: Special Strategy.

Strategies that can only be used under specific conditions.

1, Death Berserk. Available when health points fall below 30%. The threat of death awakens the brutal Dragon Race instincts in your heart. You will uncontrollably engage in combat with the enemy in the most primitive and savage way. All your damage is increased by 50%, regular skill cooldown times are reduced by 50%, all mana costs for skills are removed, and you are immune to taunts.


2. Summon Allies. Available when Health Points fall below 50% and there are more than one enemy heroes on the field. Summons a powerful ally to join the battle (current selectable ally: Hilde Sankes).

3. Dragon Knight's Pact (Exclusive strategy for the Dragon Race). Available when Health Points are reduced to below 30%, and the target is a hero, offers a Dragon Knight's Pact to the opponent. Upon completion of the Pact, the grantor will become the mount of the recipient and immediately end the current BOSS battle.

4. Summon Princess Katherine (Plot Campaign Strategy). Effects unknown, employing this strategy may trigger a plot twist.

Having read these strategies, Mo Fei fell into deep thought. He often studied this combat strategy system and had developed several combinations for different enemies.

The combination he was most confident in was the one he called 'Sea of Monsters.'

Stage Transition: Overlord of the Dragon Horde + Summon Black Wyrmling Legion + Scene Alteration: Secret Pathway.

Though black wyrmlings have relatively weak combat abilities, they belong to the ranged unit type. Forty black wyrmlings firing Dragonfire Fireballs together could easily obliterate any Adventurer in a salvo.

The Secret Pathway refreshes a wave of minor monsters every ten seconds, elite monsters every thirty seconds, and a Monster Leader every ninety seconds.

Along with the Overlord of the Dragon Horde's innate ability to summon creatures to alter the scene, within three minutes there would be enough monsters to form a fearsome army. Moreover, with the enhancement of the Black Dragon Lord's aura, these monsters' attributes would be significantly increased, making them much harder to clear. If the enemy's pace in clearing these minions slowed even slightly, they would be overwhelmed by the monster army.

This strategy combination would absolutely dominate a typical Adventurer team; it was just uncertain how capable the current team was at clearing monsters.

Mo Fei didn't rush to decide on a strategy combination, instead continuing to monitor the adversaries' movements.

At that moment, the Adventurer team finally made its way through the Dragonfire Corridor, arriving at the Dragonfire Plaza area at the end of the maze.

This was the location for the first BOSS, Borax, the Military Governor of the Dragonfolk, who had long been waiting there.

[System Notification: Military Governor Borax has used the combat strategy 'Numerous and Mighty'.]

The effect of this combat strategy in the BOSS battle was to add a large number of minor and elite monsters, forming a 'Swarm BOSS'. The side effect was that the BOSS's own attributes and Health Points would be reduced by 30%.

This choice was deemed the most suitable for Borax, as it was a commanding type of BOSS. Its own combat ability wasn't strong, so a reduction of 30% didn't make much difference. On the contrary, the addition of eight elites, four leaders, two Deputy Officers, and dozens of minor monsters at least made it seem 'Numerous and Mighty'.

Seeing the Adventurers enter the Dragonfire Hall, Borax immediately waved its battle flag and charged forth.

Borax (Military Governor of Dragonfolk): "Invaders, scum, how dare you trespass upon Lord Morphis's territory, unforgivable! Unforgivable! Warriors of the Black Dragon Legion, soldiers, gather around me, let's exterminate them all!"

With the BOSS's roar, the surrounding Dragon Soldiers, Dragon Guards, Dragon Marauders, and Dragon Sorcerers immediately responded.

Those who were charging charged, those who were forming formations did so, and those who were casting spells proceeded—like a well-trained army.

However, the Adventurer team remained motionless, still maintaining their battle formation. It was only the Midnight Mage who smiled faintly, flicked his cloak, and stepped forward directly to face the pressing Black Dragon Legion. He raised his Magic Wand in hand.

"In the name of the Earth Mother, summon the power of Serathis, the spirits of the earth, Elementals of Stone, heed my command—"

He thrust his Magic Wand forcefully into the ground—Earthquake Spell!

Boom, an invisible force immediately spread to the surrounding ground, causing the earth to crack and undulate, leaving the Dragon soldiers stumbling unable to stand steady, all entering a stunned state.

Seizing this opportunity, the Midnight Mage once again raised his Magic Wand.

"In the name of the Evil God of Flame, summon the power of Ragnaros, the spirits of flame, the Elementals of Scorching Heat, obey my will—"

With a forceful swing of the Magic Wand—Flamestorm Spell