Chapter 31 Black Dragon Rule

Mo Fei immediately understood whom Terhalansen was referring to.

Within the Dragon Race, there was only one who bore the title of Princess—Deathwing's daughter, Onyxia.

The other person in question was undoubtedly Onyxia's brother, the Black Dragon Prince Nefarian.

Although everyone was a Black Dragon Lord just the same, due to these two being Deathwing's offspring, they held a subtle difference in status and identity, especially Nefarian, who often displayed a sense of superiority with an air of "do you know who my father is?" He would frequently boss around the other Black Dragon Lords, yet because of his connection to Deathwing, no one dared to offend him, which was quite annoying.

During the last gathering, he even hinted at his desire to take over as king of the Black Dragon Legion. However, the old fellows in the sanctuary didn't support him much, so he dropped the idea.