Chapter 39 Vertical Limit

Just as the atmosphere started to tense up, Mo Fei suddenly opened his eyes. He set down the knife, sighed, and said, "Alright, you've won."


Ignoring the taunt, Mo Fei picked up a pen and began to review the agreement once more.

This time, it was the supervisor who was somewhat in disbelief.

"Mo Fei, are you really going to sign? You're not joking?"

"Of course. What else can I do now that things have come to this?" He looked helpless as he meticulously read the agreement from start to finish.

"So as long as we sign this agreement, it's all over? I'll have no further relations with Starshine Company, and I can take it that way?"

"That's right." Situ Cheng nodded.

"Then let's sign." Mo Fei actually began to fill in the date on the document. He had just finished when he suddenly asked, "By the way, what's today's date?"

"The sixteenth."

"Crap, I thought it was the seventeenth. Now what, the date is wrong. What should I do?"