Chapter 42 Witness, Mortals!

Katherine couldn't believe that Mo Fei would actually release her so easily and was momentarily at a loss.

"What, you miss me already?"

"Hmph, don't flatter yourself, I just need some time to gather a few things."

Mo Fei thought to himself what could she possibly have to pick up, but generously waved his hand, "Alright, but you'd better be quick."

What he didn't expect was that Katherine actually had quite a few things, including several pieces of personal clothing as well as many souvenirs and trinkets, such as a small obsidian statue given to her by the dragon guard, toys made by the goblin servants, a self-defense dagger forged by the dragon smith, and even a beautiful dress that Samerfield had given her, adorned with dragon scale pendants.

Mo Fei mused to himself about how popular this girl must be to have his unlucky subordinates treat her so well, thinking to himself how unexpected it was and cursing Samerfield as a philandering black dragon with no decency.