Chapter 53: One Month Later

Mo Fei opened his eyes and quietly watched the ceiling of the bedroom above, adorned with minimalist style decor and a beautiful crystal chandelier, which looked quite tasteful.

More than a month had passed since the Black Dragon Dance incident, yet he still hadn't fully adapted to a life without Morphis.

Sometimes he thought humans were really strange creatures. Previously, he worked tirelessly on his livestreams every day, playing a non-human character, constantly haunted and awoken by Morphis in his dreams with threats and flames, and every day he faced the fear of mental breakdowns and the threat of being physically possessed.

But now that he really had freed himself from those tasks and Morphis's threats, he felt an empty sense of loss...

However, Mo Fei didn't allow himself to wallow in melancholy for too long. He soon got dressed and left the bedroom to enter the living room.