Chapter 57: The Path of a Hero

Mo Fei's vision was engulfed in darkness, followed by the sound of a biting wind. Then, white snowflakes floated before his eyes, revealing a scene of snowy mountains, as a deep baritone voice provided narration.

"Child, when you were born, the snow and wind of Altland softly whispered your name—Aidan.

I proudly watched you grow day by day into a strong Altlander, and you must remember, we have always ruled this kingdom with courage and strength. I also believe you will use your great power wisely…"

The scene shifted to reveal a huge city nestled among the mountains, covered in white snow, with thick walls and towering spires. The view then moved through the spacious and deserted streets, across the castle's walls, and finally rested upon a young boy. The child bore a slight resemblance to Mo Fei, dressed in rather fine garments, still brimming with youthful innocence.

"At the age of seven, you were still a mischievous child, very fond of playing. Every day you would—"