Chapter 60 Tavern Gossip

It was not until the crowd had dispersed that only the lord known as Count Adalian stood there, cursing and muttering to himself, before Mo Fei approached.

Count Adalian glanced at Mo Fei, his face immediately showing an expression of speechlessness. Mo Fei quickly extended his hand in a gesture, indicating for him to go first, which noticeably improved the count's expression.

He nodded at Mo Fei and said to the garrison commander, "Henry, I need fifty sword-and-shield infantrymen, forty kingdom crossbowmen, and ten mountain rangers. Those snow trolls to the east have started stirring again, and I must clean out their camps as soon as possible to prevent any chaos."

The garrison commander nodded, took out a logbook, and started to check, "I apologize, my lord, but we have no mountain rangers left," he said.

"Then replace them with scout cavalry."

"Yes, my lord. Here is your troop token. When you leave the city, you can go to the barracks outside to collect these soldiers."