Chapter 190 Orc Adventurers

One day later—the Horde fortress.

The war had ended, the Horde army had completely occupied the Cursed Land and the surrounding Dark Swamp, and the main force had already arrived in this new world.

At this moment, the war chiefs of the Horde were discussing the war situation and the following strategies.

From a distance, laughter could be heard emanating from the large tent.

Saurfang (High Overlord): "Hahaha, those Alliance weaklings indeed crumbled at the first blow, fleeing in panic before our mighty Horde warriors."

Kilrogg Deadeye (Bleeding Hollow Chieftain): "Precisely, as long as we strike with full force, these humans are utterly fragile."

Grommash Hellscream (Warsong Chieftain): "Did you see my battle yesterday? I alone slaughtered two hundred Alliance soldiers, and twenty of the Alliance's heroes."

Listening to the boasting orc chieftains, Orgrim Doomhammer was not as excited as his subordinates.