Chapter 464 Offering Up Faith

I'm going...

The Hunter was at a loss for words.

It seemed like he and the person in front of him were on a mutual crash course.

Miracle Strength (Paladin): "What's the problem, brother? No need to get so mad, it's just an NPC. You can spawn it again later. Take it easy, man. I gotta go back and turn in my quest."

The Hunter: "I'm not mad, just a bit speechless. You should chill too. I just killed that Light Herald."

Miracle Strength: "I'm going..."

With such a code between the two groups, the current situation instantly became clear.

So this was a religious war. The Light Heralds were sending people to kill the Dragon Cult Heralds, and the Dragon Cult Heralds were hiring people to kill the Light Heralds. In the end, both Heralds got the chop, achieving an extreme one-for-one tradeoff.