Believers' faith is distinguished by levels, ranging from general believers, shallow believers, true believers, devout believers, fanatical believers, to Sacred Spirits.
The lowest tier is the general believer, who can only offer single-digit Faith Points; they are basically the kind who verbally invoke blessings like "May the Holy Light protect us," "Goddess of Life above," "By Odin's beard," and the like.
In this regard, nearly all Dwarves would be considered general believers of Odin.
Shallow believers participate in Prayer Rituals, true believers study doctrines seriously, devout believers pray earnestly to deities, and fanatical believers would do anything for their deity, even killing the innocent and sacrificing their own lives.
Therefore, according to the System's judgment, any Adventurer who completes the three trials is deemed a fanatical believer of the highest level, each offering 1000 Faith Points.