A Mole

The next day, Ye Bei went to work as usual.

He touched the corner of his bruised eye and cursed, "Lin Tian, this dog. He's actually serious when he attacked me."

As soon as he walked into the company, Ye Bei was a little stunned.

It was time to go to work, but the hall was empty.

"Congratulations, Brother Bei!"

Bang! Bang!

The sound of the party popper could be heard, and colorful pieces of confetti fell on Ye Bei.

Just as Ye Bei was feeling puzzled, a large group of employees suddenly rushed out from both sides and surrounded him.

At the same time, two employees pushed a small cart over. Not only was there champagne and food on it, but there was also 500,000 yuan in cash!

"What's going on?"

Ye Bei still didn't understand what was happening.

At this moment, Luo Chen walked over with Zhao Ruoshuang.