A Match

Luo Zhenhua scolded Luo Tianming for a full twenty minutes until his throat was a little hoarse. Only then did he reluctantly stop.

At this moment, Luo Tianming's face was flushed red, and he did not dare to say a word.

"Alright, the previous terms are void. I'll give you one last chance on account that you're my son.

Forget about the three-month deadline. From the day Luo Chen's building is completed, the competition will officially begin!

We'll see the results in two months. If you dare to use those shameful methods again during this period, don't blame me for turning my back on you!"

Without giving Luo Tianming a chance to speak, Luo Zhenhua hung up the phone.

Everything happened too suddenly. Luo Tianming could not react for a long time.

But soon, he squatted down in despair.

There was a rush of traffic coming and going, but he could not feel anything.

He felt his eardrums buzzing!

Two months was not enough!