They Ran Away

"More than half of the workers at the construction site ran away. They said that they could go to a better place!

Because our construction site is already in a rush period. If we delay like this, I'm afraid the project will really have to stop!"

The secretary was so anxious that he sounded like he was about to cry.

Everyone in the company knew how much hope Luo Chen had for this project.

If there was really a problem, their company's benchmark for the second half of the year would probably drop crazily.

They might even be unable to recover from this setback!


Luo Chen could not maintain his composure for a moment. His fingers gripped the phone so tightly that it made a creaking sound.

"I've already arranged for someone to ask which construction site dared to snatch workers from us, but there's no concrete news yet."

After the secretary finished speaking, a commotion came from the receiver.