Can't Wait

"Alright, contact all the companies he tricked and tell them to come to my place to meet in the afternoon."

Luo Chen said decisively.

His strength alone might be limited, but so many people had been tricked by Liu Xiao. Added together, it was a considerable force.

Generally speaking, other than the protagonist aura, the main reason why the protagonist could succeed was mainly because he had a group of capable allies gathered around him.

And villains were basically loners.

Now, he was also going to team up with those companies. If this matter was really related to the protagonist group, as long as there were enough people banded together, they would not suffer too much.

"Ah? Alright, Young Master. Do you have anything else to instruct me?"

The secretary was stunned, but she quickly realized what Luo Chen wanted to do and hurriedly agreed.