Destruction of Hope


When Luo Chen saw that the guards were about to collapse, he voiced out.

The bodyguards were still unsatisfied, but since Luo Chen had stopped them, they stopped, panting.

Luo Chen looked at the guards one by one and realized that they were not professional fighters. They just looked tall and strong.

"Where are you from?"

After pondering for a moment, Luo Chen asked.

"… I'm a farmer from the village over there. Someone paid us to guard this warehouse."

"Me too, me too. They gave me too much! Otherwise, I wouldn't have wanted to do it!"

"Stop beating, please stop beating us… Won't you have to pay with your lives if you beat us to death?!"

Each guard howled louder than the other.

Luo Chen's frown deepened as he listened.

However, he did not have the time to continue interrogating these people.

Since the mastermind was still in the warehouse, he wouldn't let him off easily!