Apologize, Or Spend The Rest of Your Life In This House

Jiang Yanshen didn't answer her. He took the phone and said coldly, "Chief He, please help me freeze all the funds under my mother's name."

Madam Jiang held her breath and roared, "Jiang Yanshen, how dare you!!"

Jiang Yanshen hung up the phone and looked at her with a gaze that was like an abyss, causing fear to surge out from the depths of the heart!

Madam Jiang was furious. Her entire body was trembling. Without thinking, she raised her hand to slap him!

When Lin Qingqian saw this scene, she couldn't help but frown.

Lu Yuan was also shocked…

However, before Madam Jiang's hand could touch Jiang Yanshen's face, she was stopped halfway.

Jiang Yanshen stood up, his tall body standing in front of her like a tall mountain. His dark eyes looked down at her, and every word squeezed out of his throat was as cold as a blade—

"Apologize, or spend the rest of your life in this house."