Are You Interested in Joining My Studio?

The other party was a young lady in her early twenties. She was carrying a few pieces of clothes and did not see Lin Qingqian. When she bumped into her, the clothes were scattered all over the ground.

She quickly raised her head and apologized. Her eyes were red and clearly filled with tears, but she did not dare to cry.

A woman's sharp voice came from the room. "Get lost. You can't even bring me the right clothes. What use do I have for you? Get lost!"

The girl bit her lips tightly and her face flushed red. She glanced at Lin Qingqian again and turned to run without saying anything.

Lin Qingqian frowned and turned to look at the woman in the dressing room. She could vaguely see half of her face. She seemed to be Tang Tiantian, the famous flower with high EQ and good character in the entertainment industry.

It turned out that this was how she was in private. Indeed, celebrities relied on their public image to hype themselves up.