Delivering Themselves To The Door

Luo Chen's speed was too fast and his movements were too sudden. He did not give Zhao Dazhuang any time to react.

He only had time to scream before he was sent flying.

Even the group of people behind him was smashed to the ground.

"How dare you come out and be a hooligan? You should examine your capabilities first."

Luo Chen sneered in disdain, not taking the obviously frightened workers seriously at all.

Initially, he didn't want to go overboard. After all, everyone was out to work and it was not easy.

However, if he still didn't make a move, his employees would definitely suffer.

If people don't offend me, I won't disturb them. If people offend me, I'll eliminate them.

Luo Chen understood such simple logic!

"You… D*mn it, how dare you hit me!"

Zhao Dazhuang struggled to stand up after a long time. His eyes seemed to be on fire as he stared fixedly at Luo Chen.