
2.00 PM.

A considerable number of business CEOs had already arrived at the Luo Corporation's conference room.

They looked at each other. No one was the first to speak.

After all, they already knew why Luo Chen had called them over.

The concept of a Chamber of Commerce had been proposed a few years ago.

However, looking at the peers around them who were still at odds with each other on business occasions yesterday, they couldn't think of how they would cooperate.

"Uh… long time no see."

A CEO of a construction company finally greeted the people around him awkwardly.

The few of them had fought very hard at the auction previously. Later on, they did not contact each other at all.

But today, they sat together strangely. That feeling was indeed very subtle.

"Mn, I didn't expect you to really come."

That person also smiled awkwardly.