
Instead of being here to kill Luo Chen, he now might get killed by Luo Chen.

However, the burly man only frowned and did not show any surprise. He even sized Luo Chen up with a calm gaze.

"Alright, it's your turn now."

Luo Chen let out a long sigh.

This time, there were more than thirty people who came to find trouble with him.

It was indeed a very tiring thing to deal with.

It seemed that the System's improvement would not be enough in the future. If he had time, he would still have to train his body.

Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing if his ability could not keep up with his stamina.

"What's your name?"

The burly man suddenly asked.

His tone was so calm that it was as if they were chatting instead of being mortal enemies.

"You came to find trouble with me and don't even know my name?"

It was Luo Chen's turn to be surprised.