High Bounty

Seeing this scene, Zhao Ruoshuang couldn't help but reveal a flustered expression.

She had just experienced the pain of being kidnapped not long ago. Now that she was stuck in such a remote place again, she really could not control the panic in her heart.

Shen Shuyi's expression did not look too good either. She instinctively held onto the seat in front of her.

Only Luo Chen's expression remained indifferent. He did not even take those people seriously.

They were just some thugs who came to cause trouble. They could not be considered opponents.

Luo Chen was really curious about the bounty list.

Could it be that the people they sent out would be stronger each time?

Even with such doubts in his heart, Luo Chen did not reveal any clues on his face. He only waited for the burly men who got out of the car to come over.

They were wearing the same black clothes, and their faces were basically covered by sunglasses and masks.