A Freak Combination of Factors

In the most luxurious hotel in Jiang City.

Lin Tian sat in front of the computer and carefully browsed through all the information about Luo Chen.

His expression became more and more ugly.

A moment later, he let out a long breath and leaned back in his chair dejectedly.

For some reason, every plan to deal with Luo Chen was very detailed, but there would always be such accidents at the critical juncture of success.

Just like this time, he had spent so much effort to take photos of the event location and even specially checked that there were no cameras around.

However, in the end, his plan was completely ruined because of a small dashcam!

Now, because of the reversal of public opinion on the Internet, the reputation of the entire Luo Corporation has risen to another level.

It was equivalent to him expending so much effort to set it up only to benefit Luo Chen instead!
