A Different Crevice, The Mystic Realm Crevice!


In the crevice area.

This should have been a scenic spot in the capital. However, after the appearance of the crevices and the increased density of the crevices, this place had already turned from a famous scenic spot to an extremely dangerous area!

The mystic realm crevice was here.

There were already many adventurers gathered here.

Chu Yunyi, who accompanied them, looked around and introduced them to Chen Kun.

"Hence, only Gold-level adventurers can enter the mystic realm. Hence, whoever you can see here are all the best Gold-level adventurers in the capital's large guilds."

"An Lan, An Feng, and you are from the department."

"Be careful when you enter. There are problems between adventurers here."

Chu Yunyi reminded them repeatedly. Accompanied by her reminder, the crevice finally appeared in front of everyone.

The mystic realm crevice was a little different.