Burning Bloodline, Long Qianyun's Roar!

"No! No!"

The primordial giant let out furious cries, its eyes filled with the desire to kill Chen Kun.

Unfortunately, before they could self-destruct, they were sucked over by the Ultimate Nightmare Black Hole released by Chen Kun.

Then, it was swallowed by the Nightmare.

This time, almost everyone present held their breaths.

They were waiting for the outcome to be decided.

However, just as everyone felt that victory was already in Chen Kun's hands and

the destruction of the remaining royal family was already a shoo-in,

a huge explosion was instantly released from the Nightmare Black Hole in the sky.

Obviously, at the last moment, the primordial giant's self-destruction was still a success.

With a bang, Chen Kun felt that the power in his body was instantly severely injured.

Everyone looked at the sky.

They stared at the primordial giant's terrifying self-destruction before it died.