What is this world?

"Uhh.... My head....", the young man said while trying clear his blurry vision.

"Where... Where am I?"

He was lying under a big tree with vines swinging all around.

He got up and looked around.

The place was a swamp forest. It was dark and creepy.

"This place... It feels so uncomfortable here... How did I even get here in the first place? Wasn't I sleeping in my room after playing a game of War Duty?"

As he was looking around, he saw a window suddenly pop up in front of him. He was shocked. A voice was heard from the window -

[°Welcome, Wo Mu, to the world of Mine and Forge. I am the game's operating system. This is a virtual game world where you would need to survive by your wit and skills. Your consciousness was transferred into this game.°]

"Wait, Mine and Forge? Isn't that the game I bought yesterday?"

[°Yes. Not only you, but the consciousness of many other players have been transferred into the game. You would have to complete the game to return to the real world. But if you lose in the game, you die in real life too. If you complete the game, you and the players you selected can exit the game. You cannot select all the players with you though.°]


A chest spawned behind Wo Mu.

[°This is the chest which will contain items you would need to start the game.°]

Wo Mu opened the chest. Inside it, he found a big stone axe, some apples and torches. There were also a pair of gloves and shoes.

[°New Objective - Collect Wood.°]

"Collect wood? I guess the axe was given for that purpose."

He looked back at the tree. Then approached it and swinged the axe. After some time and swinging, when the tree was about to fall, he kicked it down as the final process.

The tree fell down. It then started shining, and then it turned into a small box with a tree design on it.

Wo Mu picked up the tree box.


[°Achievement Unlocked! Woodcutter.°]

A bag spawned in front of Wo Mu.

'Level One'

"Level one? What does that means?"

[°The bag is level one. It has a limit to how many items you can keep in it. As you progress through the story, the level of your bag increases slowly. The more it increases, the more items you can keep in it.°]

Wo Mu picked up the bag and kept the wood and axe in it. He then hanged the bag on his shoulders. He then started walking through the swamp to find an exit.

There were many animals in the swamp. Sheeps, pigs and cows. It was hard to believe that it is a video game. It just looked like real world.

"Mine and Forge is a game where you have to travel through different lands to explore various different things. As the name suggests, mining of minerals and forging of metals is what makes the game. Mine different minerals and forge them into weapons and armors. The game is fun, but I don't know how scary it would be to experience those things in real life...."

While on his way, Wo Mu also cut down various trees and gathered alot of wood.

[°New Objective - Make a Crafting Bench°]

[°Achievement Unlocked! Master Crafter.°]

[°New Recipes Unlocked!°]

He was about to check the newly unlocked recipes when he noticed that the sun is about to go down.

"I better find a shelter. Mine and Forge isn't a very much safe game. It has elements of action and horror. If I don't find a place quick, I might lose on my first day."

He wandered places to find a place to spend the night. There was no clear safe place, every thing was ope so he could be attacked from anywhere.

He then saw a tree with its vines hanging.

"It might be foolish, but I shall try to climb the vines to get on the top of the tree. I would be safe there."

And as he planned, he tried to climb the tree with the help of its vines. He failed the first try, as the vines broke. The second try was a little better, but still failed. On the third try, he got on top of the tree.

"Phew! That was so exhausting. I feel hungry. Might eat an apple."

He took out an apple out of his bag. Then he lied down on the branch with a hand on the back of his head and one leg on the top of another, and took a bite of the apple.

"Now that I think about it, I haven't talked to my parents or my sister for a few days. And now I am not even in that world. They would surely be worried if I don't answer their calls or if they find out I don't even exist there anymore. I can't just die in this game. I haven't even said goodbye to them if I ever die. It would surely suck if I just vanish out of nowhere. So, I must get out of this game, no matter what."


[°New Objective - Collect a head of a zombie on the first night.°]

"What? I am not doing it. It's my rest time."

[°Not completing the objective will result in punishment.°]

Wo Mu widened his eyes, then made the annoyed face. He got down of the tree and removed the axe out of his bag.

While walking, the grass and water were making noise, so he walked slowly so that he would not attract other creatures that lurk in the darkness of the swamp.

"I can barely see. How can the game's OS just tell me to find a zombie and get it's head?"

After a few minutes of blind wandering in the dark, Wo Mu heard a noise. It was from behind the tree on his right. He slowly tip-toed towards the tree and sat resting his back on the tree's trunk. He took a slight peek.

There was it. A zombie. It was swinging it's head left to right.

Wo Mu grabbed his axe. He checked the blade's sharpness, then angled it properly. He then pulled it back, and then quickly stood up, turned towards the zombie and slashed it's neck.

The head of the zombie fell down as purple blood sprinkled out of his severed neck. The blood also got on Wo Mu's face and neck.

"Ahh, purple blood. My face feels weird now. But at least the objective is done."

[°Achievement Unlocked! Zombie Man.°]

[^You have levelled up!

Check your bag for your reward! ^]

"My bag?"

Wo Mu opened his bag and put his hand inside it. He felt something, so he grabbed it and took it out.

It was a sword. A big, sharp, shining Iron Katana.

{Item - Iron Katana

*Strength - 190

*Durability - 200

*Slay - 0/300}

"So I can also count how many things I have killed with this Katana. Impressive!"

While he was observing the Katana, he felt something moving behind him.

[°Alert! Danger incoming!°]

Behind him was a hoard of zombies.

Zombies are attracted by the smell of other zombie's blood. Since the zombie Wo Mu killed had it's blood splattered all around, other zombies were attracted towards him.

"Oh... Oh okay alright.... Haha, you guys are here just in time."

He took off his bag and hanged it on the tree's branch. He also took off his shirt so that it wouldn't get dirty. Then he wiped the purple blood on his face and swinged around the Iron Katana while casually walking towards the zombies.

"You know, I do not want my clothes to get dirty because of you guys. It's hard to get color off white clothes anyways. And also I want to level up to unlock newer things. I don't think opportunities like this will arise every night. So let it be today. We are gonna play butcher."

The zombies dashed towards Wo Mu. With the katana in his one hand and axe in the other, Wo Mu too ran towards the zombies and then jumped, rotated and started slashing.

The zombies came from all directions. They bit him and over-numbered him. But he started swinging with much more force and started slicing the zombies from the torso.

[^You have levelled up!^]

[^You have levelled up!^]

[^Check your bad for rewards^]

"Yeah that's it! Come on guys! We are gonna do this till morning! Let's gooo!!"

The screams of the screaming and slashing could be heard from a distance as the night slowly faded.

Cut to morning.

Soft sunrays fell on the face of a blood covered young man. And around him layed the corpses of a hundred undead monsters.

[°Achievement Unlocked! Devil Hearted.°]

Wo Mu was now exhausted. He felt as if his heart would beat out of his chest. He went back to his bag, walking on the wet, blood covered land and took his bag and shirt. He didn't wore them. Just grabbed them with one hand and the Katana and axe with the other.

"Huh? The bag feels heavy. Might be because I have levelled up a bit too much. I might have to seperate the wanted - unwanted items after cleaning myself off."