Magic and Blood

"I can just go inside and start blasting. I need you to protect me."

"You think that you can do all the crazy stuff?"

Mikata took out her Shape Box. It converted into a spring. Mikata got on the spring and jumped out to the top of the hut. Wo Mu looked at her with shock. In the mid air, Mikata turned the spring into a big spike and launched herself towards the hut.

"Oh she's completely mad when it comes to destruction."


She swinged the spike and impaled the house right from the middle. Dusts of smoke blew around.

After the smoke was cleared, Wo Mu approached her.

"She isn't in the house right? Otherwise she would have atleast appeared."

Mikata got down the house's roof.

"I don't know. Shall we go in and check?"

"We can."

They went to the door and saw it was not locked. Wo Mu looked at Mikata. She was too confused.

Slowly, Wo Mu opened the door.


A fist bigger than Wo Mu's torso hit him. The force was so great that he was sent back flying. He went through three trees and stopped when he hit the fourth. A little blood splattered on the tree.

[°Alert! Threat Level: Multi-Block°]


"[°A threat level of multi-block means that they have the power enough to destroy multiple city blocks in quick succession if not a single hit."

"That's cool."

He got up and started spinning the Kusarigama on his right hand.

"I won't need the Iron Katana on this one. The Kurarigama should be enough."

He kept his Iron Katana back in his bag. Then put on the bag again and started running towards the big golem made out of rock that punched him this far.

Meanwhile the golem attempted his moves on Mikata too. Mikata dodges it's attack left and right, up and down. She then looked at her Shape Box which was still in the same position in the house.

The golem threw a punch at her. She jumped on it's arm and used it to launch her to the roof of the hut. There she touched the big spike and turned it back into a box.


The golem screamed.

It was about to jump on the roof too, when Wo Mu threw the kusarigama which tied around it's neck. Wo Mu pulled the rope and the golem was beheaded.

"Too soon.", Mikata said in disappointment.

"It was weak. But atleast we can go inside the house now."

Mikata got down again. They walked to the door. This time, the door was already opened, so they could see inside.

It was a small, wooden room. There was a hole in the roof thanks to Mikata. A small shelf was in the corner. Mikata opened it and found a few flasks.

"Maybe she used it for her black magic fuckery."

"There is bathroom here. I wonder how she do this things."

A carpet was in the middle of the room, right underneath the hole of the roof.

"You think there will be something under this carpet?", Wo Mu said.

" I don't know. It's not a game. I mean, it is. But I still don't know."

"Shall we try?"

"There is no problem in trying."

Mikata bent and removed the carpet. And not to their surprise, they found ladders leading down.

"Oh see. How uncommon.", Wo Mu said.

"The witch will be down there, I have a strong feeling about it. Let's head down."

[°Alert! Danger Incoming!°]

[°Alert! Danger Incoming!°]

Both of their OS notified them.

"The OS notification makes my prediction even stronger. We should go down right now.", Mikata said.

"Alright, I'll go first."

Wo Mu kept his weapons inside his bag and started climbing down the ladder. Mikata followed.

He was looking right, left and down while descending. And then he looked up. And then, he saw heaven.

Mikata's ass.

He stared at it for some time. Then said -

"Hey Mikata, what's your waist size."


"You have a pretty good butt."

She stopped and looked at him. He too stopped and looked at her.


"No really. I can imagine the sensation of that butt sitting on my lap."

"You need to kill the witch for that, you know right."

"Yeah I know. I can do that. But can I get an advance?"

"Why would I should you give you advance?"

"What if I die? I'd regret not doing something with that thing of yours."

Mikata said silent for a second. Then she let go of the ladder and her butt landed on Wo Mu's face.

She then climbed back up a little.

"There you go. Your advance."

Wo Mu was astonished.

"Th- thank you..."

He looked down. His face turned red. He kept his right hand on his mouth.

"She's an angel!"

After cthe advance payment, they continued their climb down.

The ladder was very long. It felt like an eternity since they started.

"Hey, don't you think we are going down for.... maybe a bit too long?", Mikata said. "Do you think this is one of that witch's trick to avoid fighting us?"

"Oh... Well now that you say it...."

He let go of the ladder and jumped down.


Before she even realized, Mikata was now there alone.

"We could have thrown an item. He threw himself... I guess I have to jump down too."

She too dived down.

Meanwhile, Wo Mu was now falling for five minutes. He now had his arms and legs crossed in a sitting position.

"What if... What if a monster suddenly appears under me? I am falling at a good speed so removing a weapon out of my bag that quick will be difficult. I should be ready beforehand."

He took his bag and removed his Iron Katana.

{Item - Iron Katana

*Strength - 190

*Durability - 200

*Slay - 201/300}

"Impressive. Those 201 kills have also helped me level up considerably."

[°Achievement Unlocked! Deep Down.]

"I have been falling for literally so long that I made an achievement I don't even knew existe-"


A roar echoed in the tunnel. Wo Mu positioned his katana in a way that it's blade points downward so that he can impale the creature on sight.




Noises of walls being stepped on was heard. Wo Mu widened his eyes. He didn't thought or said anything. He just patiently waited for the creature to show up.


The creature suddenly jumped from the invisible darkness right to Wo Mu's face. It opened its demogorgon - like mouth. The teeths surrounded Wo Mu. Before he could even react, the monster swallowed him whole and then dissapeared back into the darkness.

Meanwhile Mikata was still going down. She had her shield and sword ready to strike.

"*Thinking* It's been a while. I haven't heard any sound from here. Where is even Wo Mu?"

Surprisingly, she saw the ground. She could not land safely because of all the time she has been falling. So she used her Shape Box and transformed it into a parachute.

Her feets landed on the ground as she keeps the Shape Box inside her bag again.

"Phew! It was a long fall."

She looked up. The hole from where they came down was only some distance away.


"Oh hey, Mikata."

She looked in front of her. It was Wo Mu beside the mutilated body of a creature. He was covered in blood and guts. The creature's body was cut open from middle and the organs along with the green blood was all lying around.

"What's this mess?"

"It tried to swallow me. I was not in the mood to be swallowed. So I cut it."

"I guess it was because of this monster that we were falling for so long. Because seeing above, the hole is right there."

Wo Mu looked up.

"Oh? Oh! Ho ho ho!"

"Do not be excited. We have the witch next, maybe. And please let me kill the next one. You already killed two."

"You killed one orc in the forest right?"

"Yeah but you count is two. I have one still left."

She walked past Wo Mu into the darkness to find something. Wo Mu looked at her walking, shrugged his shoulders, then followed.